Crocodile tears
Abone olA lavish funeral for a famous Costa Rican crocodile.
BBC Eğitim Dairesi'nin hazırladığı Haberlerle İngilizce
Dersleri'ni haftada bir gün görüntülü olarak sunuyoruz.
Bu sayfada haber metni ve Türkçe çevirisinin yanı sıra seçilen beş sözcüğün pekiştirilmesi için alıştırmalar da bulabilirsiniz.
Haber Metni
A lavish funeral for a famous Costa Rican crocodile.
People have lined the streets of Siquirres to bid
farewell to Pocho, who was 60 years old.
For the past eight years he's been drawing
tourists to the town to see him and his owner perform
hair-raising tricks.
Now the four-and-a-half metre long reptile is to be
embalmed and put in a museum.
the 38 metre tall figure every day.
Türkçe metin
Kosta Rika'nın ünlü timsahı için etkileyici, aynı zamanda pahalı bir cenaze töreni.
Siquirres'da halk, 60 yaşında ölen Pocho'ya veda etmek için
sokaklara dizildi.
Sahibiyle yaptıkları saçları diken diken eden numaralarla son sekiz
yıldır kasabaya turistlerin ilgisini çekiyordu.
Şimdi dört buçuk metre uzunluğundaki bu sürüngen mumyalanarak müzeye konacak.
etkileyici aynı zamanda pahalı olan bir şey, müsriflik
to bid farewell to
veda etmek
turistlerin ilgisini çeken
heyecanlandıran zaman zaman korkutan,(saçlarının dikilmesine neden
BBC haberlerinde geçen tümceleri aşağıdaki sözcüklerden uygun olanları kullanarak tamamlayın.
Not: Tümceyi doğru şekilde tamamlamak için sözcüğün türünü değiştirmeniz, örneğin fiilden isim türetmeniz gerekebilir.
lavish/to bid farewell
The monastery, which was built in 1936, is young by Romanian
standards. It was closed
throughout the communist period, when it functioned as the offices
of the local agricultural
co-operative. But the ancient crosses which _________ the crowds in
September and which
led to the establishment of the monastery in the first place, were
carefully preserved.
Numerous _______ receptions and parties are integral to the run-up
to the Oscars
ceremony, which is taking place on 26 February, with film companies
devoting substantial
budgets to courting voters.
Wedding formalities began after the king and his father, former
monarch Jigme Singye
Wangchuk, entered a sacred chamber of the monastery, which holds
the __________ body
of the country's 17th Century founder.
Hundreds of people have visited Wellington Zoo ___________________
an emperor
penguin who washed up on a New Zealand beach in June.
"The winchman did a wonderful job and the whole helicopter crew.
You see all the TV
documentaries about the air-sea rescue teams and it all looks
______________. Until it
happens to you, you don't appreciate the skill and bravery they
show," the judge said.
The monastery, which was built in 1936, is young by Romanian
standards. It was closed
throughout the communist period, when it functioned as the offices
of the local agricultural
co-operative. But the ancient crosses which draw the crowds in
September and which led
to the establishment of the monastery in the first place, were
carefully preserved.
Numerous lavish receptions and parties are integral to the run-up
to the Oscars ceremony,
which is taking place on 26 February, with film companies devoting
substantial budgets to
courting voters.
Wedding formalities began after the king and his father, former
monarch Jigme Singye
Wangchuk, entered a sacred chamber of the monastery, which holds
the embalmed body
of the country's 17th Century founder.
Hundreds of people have visited Wellington Zoo to bid farewell to
an emperor penguin
who washed up on a New Zealand beach in June.
"The winchman did a wonderful job and the whole helicopter crew.
You see all the TV
documentaries about the air-sea rescue teams and it all looks
hair-raising. Until it happens
to you, you don't appreciate the skill and bravery they show," the
judge said.